Saturday, March 4, 2017

Let not the Elephants and Donkeys Deceive You Anymore

The world is no longer the same after Margaret Thatcher, who had totally decimated the progressive politics single handedly. She had deregulated financial sector, broken the back of the labor unions, and privatized state-owned companies. Thatcher's popularity during her first years in office waned amid recession and high unemployment, and she only survived because of her victory in the 1982 Falklands War. However, by the time she was forced to resign in 1990 she had forever changed the political landscape of modern era.

In the United States, Ronald Reagan borrowed from Thatcher’s book and implemented similar policies to kill the people oriented politics, and the United States politics too changed. Reagan had broken the unions and reduced their membership so much that they were no longer the countervailing power against the Wall Street big banks and the military industrial complex. To counter the reduction of funding from the unions, Bill Clinton approached the financial sector in the Wall Street and the trial lawyers, and the Democratic Party changed forever. The left politics was destroyed.

Yet, more than two decades later, vast number of low information professional people still try to explain politics in terms of left and right politics, and talk in terms of swinging pendulum. The fact is the progressive politics is dead since the time of Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party is equally beholden to the big money, varying only in degrees. Today the Republican Party, which was the real progressive party at the time of its inception, has become totally bound to the corporate America, and the one racist Democratic Party has become the second fiddle to the same master. Today’s politics is between extreme right and right, the left is dead.

Bill Clinton was a Republican disguised as a progressive, and so was Barrack Obama. The unprecedented outrage of the GOP against both of them was simply a ploy by the crook politicians to deceive common mass, and give the semblance of democracy.

Consider the Presidency of Bill Clinton. He signed on to NAFTA, the Tele Communication Act, Welfare Reform, dismantling of Glass-Steagal Act, among other anti-people measures. Each of these was passed with more Republican votes than Democratic, as the rank and file Democratic Party members were still pro-people.

Remember Ross Perot? Despite being a business man he had warned America against the NAFTA. He had made a sucking sound to demonstrate how jobs would be sucked out of America, and he was so right. So my Bill-loving friends consider once more – was Bill Clinton a stupid man not to understand implication of his fore-mentioned policies? Or, was he was wrong on each of those? Obviously, he cannot be both, so chose one.

Barrack Obama followed the foot steps of Bill Clinton, and carried on where George W Bush had left. He presided over the biggest financial missteps since 1929, and his action only benefited the very people who brought that financial ruin. Not a singe Wall Street executive went to jail, yet, millions of homeowners lost their homes. Obama came with the promise of stopping wars, notwithstanding, he not only sent more troops to Afghanistan, and he invaded Libya, and encouraged Saudi Arabia to destroy Yemen. He create ACA with so much loopholes that Insurance companies drove trucks through it and gave opportunity to the Republicans to destroy all so-called entitlement programs.

Wake up Americans, understand the new political games. Do not hold on to your age-old views of left-right division of politics. Understand your own rights and help yourself to get what you deserve. You have the ultimate power to change your fate, but only when you understand the game and stand for your rights. Be active, join the grassroots movement, and take over the party offices. Start at the local level, drive the bums out. You have the power. You can do it.

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