Sunday, February 18, 2024

Ah, Time Already?

You never saw your father as he had left your mother,

Even before you came to this world, more a hell so to say!

The day you were born your mother struggled to keep you warm;

Storms howling, the wintery night dark, rain pouring hard,

You were shivering, your mother too in the moist cold.


Your Mother did not last long either, before she passed away

She taught you good from bad, the virtues of good, the perils of bad.

On her death bed she said, hear me out my son,

See evil from good, and never choose darkness over light;

Remember, what hurts you hurts others too.”


And with these words your mother closed her eyes.

You were so young. Your life was hard, your existence

Depended on the mercy of some good Samaritans,

But you survived, you never strayed from your mother’s teachings

For your mother was a good woman.


Your life was not easy, the road was strewn with thorns

Yet you didn’t do what others did in your ghetto, nor did you

Choose your friends from them. You lived a hard but honest life

Stayed away from drugs, never took to stealing

For your mother was a good woman.


You struggled hard, chose the road less travelled,

And look where you are now, the heaven that you created

With your bare hands, how you stand tall towering all the minions

Who laughed at you, spat at you, ridiculed you. now beg your favor

But you have a regret, and you wonder!


Your time is up, have to go, and you wonder,

What if you stopped and sat down under the shade of a tree,

A few months, years, even decades ago, watched the flowing stream,

Your heaven was beautiful even then. What if you stopped running

And enjoyed your creation, the singing birds in your heaven?

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