Friday, February 8, 2019

No Lesson in the third Kick of a Mule

The first kick teaches you to stay out of the kicking range of a mule. The second confirms it. The third? Nope, nothing in it, zilch. Yet, the Dems never learn.

They lost 2000 Presidency to Bush – stolen by five activist Republicans hacks on the Supreme Court bench.

They lost the next one to voter purging and electoral fraud. Now this is the year 2019. In between they lost numerous seats because of Gerrymandering and other scams by the GOP fraudsters, but Dems insist on fair play and moral high ground. ‘So what if the other party plays rough and dirty, we will play fair’ is their mantra. But that’s not how politics is played, no where has been and never will be – Read history.

I am tired of these goody-goody, touchy-feely, Mama’s boys and girls! Literally, immature impractical wannabes.

I need my Reps to be ass-kicking, tough talking, and tougher acting activists, the likes of Tea Party leaders!

The moralist Dems can’t even see from their high horses what is happening on the ground. In Virginia Republicans realized that with a Democratic Governor at the helm, their voter manipulation scheme will be severely thwarted, so they targeted three rungs of Dem leadership in order to install a Republican Governor. Once they can do that the Dems can kiss Virginia goodbye for 2020 Presidential election. But the Dems are naïve and they easily succumb to the GOP intriguing, and their top leaders condemn Ralph Northam in unison; the Party of ‘big tent’ must stand on moral high ground!

In a gun fight Democrats take knives and Republicans bring LMGs, that’s how it has always been. And the Democrats have been massacred every time; they lose even when they win, what a shame!

On issues after issues, such as healthcare for all, social security, wealth tax, and scores of other progressive issues, there is overwhelming people support, yet, the media lies constantly - America is in the right of the center!

My foot!

The Republicans rule by deceit; with a p-grabbing white supremacist at the White House we should have seen decent Republicans speaking out and express their dissent. Donald Trump is emboldened by the whole GOP mechanism. What he represents is the face of the GOP. It is time to become strong and vocal, and the progressives must fight back.

I am still placing hope with these new bunch of young ladies who have been elected to the US congress for the first time. They have balls that the men lack. Let the new era of progressive fight back begin!

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