Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bengali Beauty

From the Kings of Devon to Bengali Beauty, Rahsaan Noor has trekked a long cinematic journey that clearly has taken a young tentative adventurous explorer to the world of serious film making. With each step, graduating through Simanaheen and The Spectacular Jihad of Taz Rahim, Rahsaan was announcing his blossoming to a tantalizing storyteller with magical camera lenses.

Bengali Beauty tells the story of a demure Moyna, a medical student who falls in love with Afzal, a striking Radio deejay, while listening to his World Music show during the era of the 70s in Bangladesh. It was an interesting time when a new nation was taking birth, cultural boundaries were being redefined, and young people were rediscovering themselves, enjoying the spirit of new freedom and meanings of life. It is a nostalgic time for the people who were young at the time and will relive themselves through this captivating romance.

Mumtaheena Toya plays an enchanting role in the character of Moyna, and Rahsaan Noor is self-assured and notable in the lead role of the radio deejay. The riveting story spans through interesting sequences ably supported by Mita Rahman played by Sarah Alam, and Ashfique Rizwan in the role of Rafel. The movie is a treat for the eyes and souls of the spectators.

Bangladesh film world has never recovered the loss of the great stalwarts of yester years, and is still looking for bold film makers to fill their vacuum. The movie industry is in desperate search of personalities who can tread a happy medium between art and commercial movies. With Bengali Beauty Rahsaan Noor raises the hope that we are witnessing the bold arrival of a major creator in the Bangladesh movie arena.

The movie is soon to be released in Bangladesh, and in the USA by MovieMax Cinemas in Niles. The movie is also being released in NYC, Dallas, LA, Bay Area, and Virginia, the February 16th weekend.

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